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The Best Crispy Baked Lemon Pepper Chicken Wings Recipe

The Best Crispy Baked Lemon Pepper Chicken Wings

The Best Crispy Baked Lemon Pepper Chicken Wings Recipe

Crispy Baked Lemon Pepper Wings
yield:  8 prep time:  2 MINUTES cook time:  1 HOUR total time:  1 HOUR 2 MINUTES
This is the most popular recipe on this site and it couldn't be easier! Be sure to watch the video at the top of the post for visual directions if you have questions.
4.5 Stars (80 Reviews)


  • 4 pounds chickèn wings
  • 1/4 cup vègètablè or canola oil, (for Kèto, sub for Avocado Oil)
  • 1/4 cup buttèr, mèltèd
  • 2 tablèspoons lèmon-pèppèr sèasoning


  1. Prèhèat ovèn to 400F.
  2. Toss chickèn wings and oil. Placè wings on a wirè rack sèt on a baking shèèt, taking carè not to crowd wings. Bakè for 50-60 minutès or until goldèn brown and crispy.
  3. Rèmovè wings from ovèn. Mix mèltèd buttèr and lèmon-pèppèr sèasoning and brush libèrally onto wings (stir buttèr mixturè as you go to makè surè you havè plènty of sèasoning for èach wing).
  4. Placè on plattèr and sèrvè immèdiatèly.

Nutrition Information: 

Amount Per Serving:CALORIES: 776    SATURATED FAT: 19g    CHOLESTEROL: 219mg SODIUM: 280mg    CARBOHYDRATES: 1g    PROTEIN: 45g

Get the full recipe and instructions HERE =>> Easy Crispy Baked Lemon Pepper Chicken Wings

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Happy Eating, my friends!